Listing your products on Fieldfolio is free
Fixed per-order fees, capped monthly.
No % commissions.
Be confident in your sales costs, no matter how much you sell.
We don’t take a commission, and you’ll never pay more than A$298.50 a month.*
†Based on an average order value of $700.
‡ Based on a per Sales Rep price of $75 per month.
Frequently asked questions
Is there a monthly spending cap on Fieldfolio for Sellers?
Yes. We will only charge order fees on the first 30 orders per month. Sellers will never pay more than A$298.50 a month (plus GST where applicable).
Does Fieldfolio take commission on sales?
No. Fieldfolio Sellers pay only A$9.95 (plus GST where applicable) for each order that they receive on our platform. If you're not getting sales, you don't pay anything.
Is there a setup fee for listing products on Fieldfolio?
No. We do not charge anything for listing your products on our wholesale marketplace.